Saturday, August 16, 2008


Possible at heart your there is question " Do nicely consume green tea since still adolescent or young for the health of body?"
Its answer very get of cherry you " Yes of course !!"

In fact with you consume green tea early on very good, because green tea of is plenty of its benefit for health like for example degrading cholesterol and prevent abundant sugar rate. From result of research of health, tea have ability pursue forming of cancer. Besides tea also can prevent heart sickness and of stroke. this proven natural Health beverage also can stimulate system circulation of blood, strengthening vein, and degrade cholesterol in blood
Tea also can assist to improve white blood count in charge of fight against infection which harming health of body. Especially green tea, can prevent influenza attack. Even, health beverage materials of leaf sprout of Camelliasinensis this can strengthen tooth, fight against bacterium in mouth, preventing to be formed its of tooth plaque, and also prevent osteoporosis

In digestive channel, tea also very assisting to protect health of body of poisoned of food and disease like cholera and dysentery. In book of Shennong Bencao noted, that 72 poisonous garden type can be neutralized by tea !! Wwoooww !!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Black Wrinkling under Eye

Silhouette under eye represent one of the factor able to lessen appearance and freshness of face. There is many factor which can become cause, for example you less sleep or is suffering allergy. Black colour under eye according to doctor, can also forerunner of symptom of serious health trouble. Especially when the hue at the same time with bronchitis pain or fever.

Several things which can become especial source is existence of silhouette under eye is

Effect of sunshine
Because area below/under eye change quicker become compared to dark of other husk around face
Less nutrition
If you less is consuming of green chromatic vegetable, hence black hue under your eye will emerge
Less sleep
Progressively you less rest or less sleep, hence area around eye will progressively show black colour
If natural you old fellow it it is possible that you also will experience of it

But don't worry, here under there is recipe and tips to overcoming it that is :

1. Giving nocturnal eye cream before sleep. Previous, keep the the cream in place cooler
2. Give surprise by putting down spoon which have in made cool in place cooler before sleep and when awaking up sleep. concave Spoon contour very snugly with eye form
3. Drink water. Minimum 8 glass each;every day
4. Taking a rest your eye if have felt fatigue
5. Give compress at your eye by using ex- tea bag, tomato or cucumber which have in made cool when you rest day time